Herbs for Tea Making – Nature Exploration

May 15, 2024
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

The Nature Connection

Need a nature moment? Come on in and experience the tranquility and spirit of nature. Get creative and curious while engaging the senses as we connect to & through nature.

This is a hands-on program that focuses on the journey, not the destination. Our goal is for you to walk away feeling relaxed and restored – and ready to take on the rest of winter!

Come gather with us and make your own tea! Each participant will take home a few tea bags with their own blend of herbs & spices. When it comes to tea making there are endless possibilities and even many health benefits. Discover a new combination of dried herbs and learn which ones complement each other. We all have different preferences for scents and tastes – What will you brew?

Register Today!

Fee & Accommodations

This evening is part of our Wednesday Nature Night series. Wednesday Nature Nights are open to the public. Pre-registration strongly recommended. Space is limited – first come, first serve. We offer tiered pricing and reduced rates for those who need it (such as Card to Culture participants). And if you are able, we recommend choosing the Ticket + Donation rate. We are a donor-supported organization, which means over 50% of our annual income comes from individual donors. Your donations allow us to care for program animals, offer weekly Wednesday programs, and travel to over 20 program sites each month across Middlesex County delivering programs to older adults, adults with disabilities, and youth at risk – creating 3000 nature connections each year!

Please send us an email at [email protected] if you are in need of additional financial assistance or of any accommodations that would help facilitate your ability to participate. We want everyone to be able to connect with nature!
